The ATO has deferred the lodgement date of SMSF annual returns for the 2017 financial year.
The due date will be extended to June 30.
The change means lodgement of 2016/17 SMSF annual returns can be made on the next business day, Monday July 2, without penalty.
Peak Super SMSF Client Manager Shane Kennealy welcomed the ATO move.
“This decision makes sense for everyone. The recent changes to superannuation are complex and this extra time will help SMSF advisors who have to make crucial decisions for clients every day.”
The extended deadline also means that all SMSFs eligible for transitional capital gains tax (CGT) relief will have more time to consider and make relevant elections before lodging their annual returns.
A raft of superannuation reforms, announced in the 2016 Federal Budget, have been in place since July 2017.